Understanding Dreams & Videos Banner

The Purpose and Meaning of Dreams

Does God speak through dreams? Why would He use such a mysterious form of communication? What does that mean to you? Are you missing out in understanding the divine counseling, love, and encouragement you are receiving each night from God? Do you wonder what the people, items, animals, family, friends, neighbor, etc. in your dreams mean? Feel like you aren’t “worthy” enough to interpret your dreams? These are just some of the questions we will be focusing on in the following sessions.

Session One: – Encountering God in Your Dreams

  • God uses dreams to align our hearts, thoughts and intentions to His eternal purpose.
  • Dreams have the ability to take us out of the natural realm of time into the supernatural.
  • Dreams reveal what’s available for the future to build faith and to give hope.

Session Two – Dream Interpretation by the Spirit

  • Dreams are personal messages that draw you into an intimate relationship with God.
  • God uses dreams to align our hearts, thoughts and intentions to His eternal purpose.
  • Three categories of prophetic dreams: Internal, Internal Prophetic, External Dreams

Session Three – Discerning Your Dreams: Spiritual, Soulish, Demonic

  • Three Dream resources: God, Man, Demonic Realm
  • Characteristic of symbols
  • Interpreting symbols

Registration Information:

  • This live video teaching will be Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15 at 7:00 pm on Zoom for 40 minutes.
  • There will be a 15-minute Q&A at the end of each session to answer questions.
  • Once you register on website, and pay $45 to Embracinghiscall.org and pay $45 to Embracing His Call, you will receive a confirmation email.
  • The Zoom login information will be included in the confirmation email for the course registration.
  • The live video teaching will be held in Ponte Vedra, Florida, (EST) Eastern Standard Time zone.
  • Replay will not be available for the course, please make sure you attend the live teaching to receive the course being offered.