
Break the Power of the Past 
Be Your Authentic Self

Have you ever been in a place where you didn’t say anything but continued to serve or appease another person because it wasn’t worth the cost to address and share your true feelings? If so, it’s an indicator of being emotionally immature. Immaturity means, you continually avoid healthy conflict to keep peace and ignore and suppress your emotions to avoid conflict. Therefore, you lose your voice and your identity. If that’s you, then it’s time to learn the biblical principles to guide you into an experience of lasting, beneath-the-surface transformation in your relationship with others and God. He wants to “Restore to you the joy of your salvation, and make you willing to obey. Then you will teach His ways to rebels, and they will return to God,” Psalms 51:12-13.

Interestingly, our bodies know our feelings before our minds. Self-awareness is intricately related to our relationship with God. The challenge is to shed our old “false” self in order to live authentically in our new “true” self. Augustine wrote in Confessions, “How can you draw close to God when you are far from your own self?” Our goal is to know ourselves so that we may know God and fulfill our purpose.

Accept feelings and experience emotions:


The journey of genuine transformation to emotional healthy spirituality begins with a commitment to allow yourself to feel. Scripture reveals God as an emotional being who feels as a person. Having been created in his image, we also are created with the gift to feel and to experience emotions. Therefore, we must pay attention to our emotions. Too often our bodies know our feelings before our minds. Consider prayerfully the following. If there is emotion in regard to issues, such as: health, relationships, work, etc. Ask the Holy Spirit to walk you through each issue to gain back your voice and identity:

    • What upsets you?
    • What are you sad about?
    • What are you fearful of?
    • What makes you happy?
    • Is it difficult to be your true self?

Going back to go forward:

These concerns can open the door to “emotional baggage”. Our goal is to walk in union with the Lord and to live joyfully in the present; however, it requires going back in order to go forward. We must recognize and break free from the destructive patterns of our past. If these issues are not confronted, just as a physical wall stops us from moving ahead, God sometimes stops us in our spiritual journey through a spiritual wall to radically transform our character and restore our identity and voice. Every follower of Jesus will at some point confront the wall. Failure to understand and surrender to God’s working in us at the wall often results in great long-term pain, ongoing immaturity, and confusion.*

Be intentional

A simple, clear “Rule of Life” is to love others and yourself. It will increase awareness of God’s presence throughout the entire day and give you grace when tempted to fall back. To love you and others is practicing, and integrating such skills as speaking respectfully, listening with empathy, negotiating fairly, and uncovering the hidden expectations we have of others and of ourselves. If we are to nurture a heart that treats every person with respect, we need to be intentional about our lives and grow spirituality with a thoughtful, purposeful plan. To develop this plan, follow these steps:

    • No longer living out of a false self but developing a relationship with God and others.
    • Use your voice to live out your identify by accepting changes, grow through them
    • Trust God even when you don’t know the purpose now but choose to use every challenge as an opportunity to grow.*
    • Embrace God’s plan and anchoring yourself in Him, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all things will be added to you,” Matthew 6:33.

*Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Peter Scazzero.

African Woman on sofa thinking.

Empowered for Breakthrough

Have you ever been in a place in life where everything seems to be falling apart? Jamila felt there was no hope. Even though her name means “beautiful,” she did not feel beautiful. In fact, she felt just the opposite. She was stuck in a toxic relationship, with no money and a new baby. Negativity exists in some form in everyone’s life at different times. It can keep people from achieving hope and spiritual fulfillment. Jamila needed a breakthrough. When a breakthrough is impending, there will be a purging process that will clear out hopelessness, defeat, and negative thinking. God can and will work with you to eliminate toxic relationships, habits, and things that influence you negatively. These negative factors are from the enemy and distract you from hearing and achieving your purpose in life. The goal is to remove negative influences and to create space for positive thinking, freedom, and fulfillment.

What is a breakthrough?
A breakthrough is that moment when frustration, struggles, fear, worry, or anxiety disappears. It’s a moment of insight, recognition about who you are, what you’re called to do and how to achieve a purposeful life. To understand breakthrough and why it is important we must define what is a stronghold. We are at war with evil. The battlefield we face is in our minds. The enemy introduces thoughts within us to keep us in bondage and to prevent us from knowing God and doing His will. The thoughts the devil implants within us argue against truth and try to create barriers to knowing God and form strongholds. We must take these thoughts captive for a breakthrough.

What is a stronghold?
A stronghold is an incorrect thinking pattern that has molded itself into our way of thinking. These strongholds have the capability to affect our feelings, how we respond to various situations in life and they play a large role in our spiritual freedom. Strongholds are built upon deception and error. These errors and deceptions which form strongholds can come from a wide variety of sources, including our environment, those around us, our parents or even demon spirits. Jamila was rejected by her partner and unknowingly formed a stronghold of fear, hopelessness, and anxiety.

How do we tear down strongholds?
Since strongholds are built upon error and falsehood, it is through the truth that you tear down such faulty thinking patterns. Strongholds are built when we accept and receive error and begin to meditate on them; such as: fear, depression, bad attitude, cursing, lying, stress, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, resentment, etc. It forms in our minds what is known as an imagination, that is, a false concept that we believe to be true, but in reality, is not.


How do we renew our minds?
These strongholds must be cast down through the renewing of our minds. “Be not conformed to this world: but transformed by the renewing of your mind…”, Romans 12:2. Our minds are renewed by recognizing wrong thought patterns, repenting and renouncing any agreement we made knowingly or unknowingly.

Confession: I confess that wrong thoughts are warring in my mind to keep me from knowing God and experiencing His best for my life. I repent and renounce every negative thought I have agreed with and choose to change my thinking.

Prayer: Father, I ask that you reveal every stronghold in my thinking and speaking. If there is anything separating me from You or my purpose, I will take authority and repent and renounce any agreement. I choose to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and to think on the things that are honest, just, pure, lovely, and productive. Give me grace for every battle and lead me to the truth of Your Word. Thank you for loving me, forgiving me, and giving me the keys to freedom to live an abundant life, in Jesus Name. Amen.